[[#ex]] Claudia Junker, Co-Chair (Eurostat)Claudia Junker is leading the Eurostat Task Force on “Peer reviews and quality” since 1 January 2019. Before that she was the head of the unit “Quality management and government finance statistics” from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2018 and of the unit “Statistical cooperation” from 1 September 2010 to 30 June 2017. In both units dealing with quality she was responsible for the development of standards for the European Statistical System, such as the European Statistics Code of Practice (adopted in 2017), the European Statistical System Quality Assurance Framework (adopted in 2019), the European Statistical System Handbook on quality and metadata reports (adopted in 2020) and others. Furthermore, she is responsible for the implementation of these standards in Eurostat and for supporting the EU Member States and other countries in applying these standards. Lately she is leading the work on managing and implementing the third round of peer reviews in the European Statistical System. As part of promoting quality in the European Statistical System and beyond, she was a co-chair and member of the Programme Committee for the 2018 and 2020 Quality conferences. Furthermore, this work also includes supports to third countries for improving the quality of their statistics with a focus on the countries having applied or willing to apply to become an EU Member State as well as countries in the European Neighbourhood to the East and the South. She is also an active member of the UN expert group on quality assurance frameworks. Claudia also worked in business statistics and was leading the evaluation activities of Eurostat. Prior to joining Eurostat in 1999 she worked in the Statistical Office of Germany in the area of national accounts / input-output tables and managed a wide range of technical assistance projects and training programmes for countries in Central Europe and for countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union). Claudia holds a master degree in economics, informatics and management. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Inga Masiulaitytė-Šukevič, Co-Chair (Statistics Lithuania)Dr. Inga Masiulaitytė-Šukevič is Deputy Director of Statistics Lithuania. Prior to this appointment, she was a Head of different divisions in Statistics Lithuania (Methodology and Quality division, 2020; Demographic and migration statistics division, 2011-2018). She has a PhD in mathematics from Vilnius university, Lithuania. She gave lectures on statistics at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania and International Law and Business Higher School, Vilnius, Lithuania. She participated in Twinning projects as an expert on international migration statistics. She is a current member of the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) board 2021-2023. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Jean-Marc Museux (Eurostat)Jean-Marc Museux, PhD in Physics, taught Statistics at the Free University of Brussels and worked at Statistics Belgium until 2001. He joined Eurostat in 2001 as a methodologist, specialised in survey sampling and time series analysis. From 2004 to 2007, he was responsible for the production of Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). He was appointed Head of Section Methodology from 2007 to 2012. In 2012, he became Chief Enterprise Architect in Eurostat contributing to the modernisation of the European Statistical System. During his career, he has participated in many international conferences and initiatives, among others the UNECE Common Statistical Production Architecture. He coordinated the development the ESS Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework released in 2015. He is now the leader of the Trusted Smart Statistics and Research team in the Eurostat. His current domains of interest are semantic technologies, (big) data architectures and platforms, web intelligence, smart surveys, open data and services, data analytics. He is a member of the programme Committee of the Quality Conferences since 2010. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Veronique van der Zande (Eurostat)Véronique van der Zande began her work at Eurostat in 2001 and joined Eurostat’s “Task Force on Peer reviews and quality” in the beginning of 2019. Since then she has been very active in quality and her tasks covered a.o. preparing the third round of peer reviews, the publication of the new ESS Handbook for quality and metadata reports and the follow-up of quality projects in the enlargement countries. Before joining the task force, she worked in several other services at Eurostat and the European Commission, covering mainly statistical cooperation and business statistics. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Vilma Nekrašaitė-Liegė (Statistics Lithuania)Vilma Nekrašaitė-Liegė earned PhD in Mathematics from the Vilnius Gediminas technical University (VilniusTech), LT. Since 2007, she teaches Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics and Databases in VilniusTech. At the same time, she works intermittently in Statistics Lithuania as an expert on sampling methodology. Currently she works as a specialist of Data Technology Development Group, developing experimental statistics using new data sources and implementing them in the statistical process. Since 2019 she is a member of European Women in Mathematics (EWM) international association. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Thomas Burg (Statistik Austria)Thomas Burg holds a master degree in Mathematics achieved at Technical University of Vienna. After starting his professional career in in the private sector, in 1993 he joined Statistics Austria, where he gained 15 years-experience as methodological expert. In 2008 he was appointed as quality manager of Statistics Austria, and since 2019 he holds the position of head of unit for Quality Management, Methods and Classifications. Since 2017 he is a member of the Board of the Austrian Statistical Society. Besides his activities on European level as Austrian representative of the Directors of Methodology Group (DIME) and the Working Group Quality, he is involved in several projects and task forces developing relevant issues for quality and methodology within the European Statistical System. After being involved in the design of the 2nd and 3rd round of Peer Reviews, he now acts as active Peer in the ongoing third round of Peer Reviews His current interests cover the integration of new data sources into the statistical production process, the development, application and dissemination of quality guidelines and quality standards for various topics relevant for official statistics., and the development and design of metadata systems. He acted as project leader and co-chair of the Program Committee when Statistics Austria and Eurostat organized the European Conference on Quality in Statistics in Vienna 2014 (Q2014), and was a member of the Program Committee for the conferences in Helsinki (Q2010), Madrid (Q2016) and Cracow (Q2018). [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Monika Bieniek (Statistics Poland)Monika Bieniek holds a master degree in Economics. She began her work in Statistics Poland in 1996 as an expert on standard classifications. Since 2008, she is deputy director of the Methodology, Standards and Registers Department, and later of the Programming and Coordination of Statistics Surveys Department; she is responsible inter alia for quality in statistics, coordination in the fields of methodological works and statistical disclosure control. She takes part in regular monitoring of implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice in Statistics Poland, and she is involved in implementation of the TQM elements in the organisation. In 2011 she was delegated (for one year) to the Permanent Representation of the RP to the EU in Brussels and worked there as an attaché responsible for preparation of Polish presidency in the Council of the EU in the area of European statistics and as a deputy chair of the Working Group on Statistics in the Council of the EU during Polish presidency. In 2015 she was involved in the 2nd round of the ESS peer review exercise as a chair of national coordinator team. From 2019 onwards she has been involved in the 3rd peer review round preparation as a member of the Task Force on Peer Reviews. Presently, she is a Peer Review National Coordinator in Statistics Poland. Moreover, she is a member of Director of Methodology Group (DIME) and the Quality Working Group set up by Eurostat. In 2018 she was a co-chair of the Program Committee of the Quality Conference in Cracow (Q2018). [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Kornelia Mag (Hungarian Central Statistical Office)Kornélia Mag was appointed Deputy President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in 2019 of the Architectural Services Directorate. She has worked at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office since 2004. Prior to her current position, she worked as advisor to the President of the HCSO from 2016 to 2019, Head of the Methodology Department from 2013 to 2016, and was Quality Manager from 2006 to 2010. Kornélia Mag is Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Agriculture Census 2020 and Census 2021 projects. She earned her degree in Applied Mathematics from the Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest. She is a lecturer at the Budapest Business School. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Giorgia Simeoni (ISTAT)Giorgia Simeoni is graduated in statistics, demographic and social sciences and holds a master degree in sources, tools and methods for social research. She is the Istat Quality manager since September 2020. She works for Istat since 2001, always in the field of quality and reference metadata. She has been responsible of implementing quality reporting at Istat, and from 2018 she is responsible for the official information system on the quality of Istat statistical processes. She has participated and participates in several national, European and international working groups and task forces and in international cooperation projects on issues related to quality and reference metadata. She teaches in various training courses on quality issues at national and European level. In particular within the ESTP program (European Statistical Training Program), she is since 2016 one of the trainers of the "Advanced course on quality reporting". [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Maria Joao Zilhao (Statistics Portugal)Maria João is member of the Board of Statistics Portugal (INE) since January 2018, was the Director of the Planning, Control and Quality Unit at INE, since 2007, and started as a statistician in economic agriculture statistics in 1990. She has been involved in Quality Management at the ESS since 1999, being member of several groups, having participated in the LEG on Quality and on the Sponsorship on Quality. She has also been involved in the preparation of European quality tools such as the ESS QAF, the revision of the European Statistics Code of Practice and in the methodology of the Peer Review exercises. She has been a trainer in the field of quality in statistics at ESS level since 2001 and has also experience in international cooperation in the area of systematic quality management. She has been a member of the Programme Committee in several editions of the European Quality Conference. She has a Degree in Economics (1990) and a Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management (1996). [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Audronė Jakaitienė (ESAC, Vilnius University, Lithuania)Audronė Jakaitienė is a Professor and Chief Researcher at Vilnius University. Prior to this, she held a position as Senior Economist at the Bank of Lithuania. She has also worked as Senior Expert (Economist) for the European Central Bank. Dr Jakaitienė is a Board member of the Lithuanian Statistical Society; Lithuania’s representative at the International Biometric Society. From 2011 she is head of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics centre at Human and Medical Genetics Department. From 2019 she is member of European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC). She conducts research analysing economic, medicine (with special interest to genetics), and education data. [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Gindra Kasnauskienė (Vilnius University,
[[#ex]] Domantas Jasilionis (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany)Domantas Jasilionis, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock, Germany) and a Professor / Head of the Demographic Research Centre at Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania). His research interests include demographic data, record linkage methods, human longevity, health inequalities, and international migration. Prof. dr. D. Jasilionis has authored or co-authored more than 60 articles (including two editorials) in major international peer-reviewed journals. He has served in several international and national scientific and advisory committees devoted for demographic issues and health inequalities. D. Jasilionis is an active member of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), and Population Association of America (PAA). [[#ex]] |
[[#ex]] Remi Prual (consultant on quality, ISO, ESS peer reviews, Estonia)Remi Prual is a management consultant, advisor, trainer and expert with dedicated focus on valuation of data, metadata, statistics, information and knowledge. He holds Masters in Information Sciences and also in Information Management. Remi has worked in the ESS since 2004, when Estonia joined the EU. He was the quality manager of Statistics Estonia (since the creation of the position) and then the head of the general department (covering all support areas from strategic management to IT and register based census). Remi belonged to the ESS Quality in Statistics WG, also to ESS Steering Committee on Quality and task forces on metadata standards, quality reporting, fine tuning of QAF etc. He was a national coordinator of the ES Code of Practice implementation and also a member of the EU CWPS presidency team (2016-2017). Since leaving Statistics Estonia (in the end of 2017), he has lead ESTP courses on quality and metadata reporting, also on quality management and has shared his expertise to experts from countries in the EU and in the neighbourhood. Since 2016, Remi has been a member of the board of the Estonian Quality Association, where his responsibility area is the quality of public sector organisations and their services. Remi is certified as an expert for ISO9001, EFQM, CAF, ITIL, LEAN and several other quality management related standards and approaches. [[#ex]] |